Tuesday, May 24, 2011

to lower an image on illustrator

file -> export

jpg, cmky, 150 resolution or above

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Assessment Three

Front Cover: Mesh Tool Technique

Back cover can be continuous from front

inside front cover :

Mesh Technique
The mesh tool is... used for...
--> General About Information

* keep in mind each page the spine will be on the opposite side

-screen shot of where it is on the tool bar
step by step on how it works
what it looks like when applied to a shape
screen grabs? optional (quite big)

Screen grabs need to be taken into photoshop and change the resolution

- adding colour
screen grab and the actual example

-how it is applied
-how it can be manipulated

Using the mesh tool in fashion
--> using your front cover image as an example of how t use the mesh tool

Inside back cover
--> up to you what you put into there

Two types of font
apart from title

screen grabs
- zoom in as close as the screen allows
- take into photoshop
- change colour mode fo CMKY
- image size > check off 'resample image' >150 resolution > save as jpeg
- if you want a transparent background save as TIFF file
- flatten image in illustrator